Karzhenkova Svetlana Vladimirovna | Директор

Karzhenkova Svetlana Vladimirovna

Dear friends! Children's art school is the beginning of a creative path, the disclosure of the potential of a child, the purpose of which is to educate a creative personality. The Children's Art School began its activity in 1978 and is the first school of young artists that opened in the Kostanay region.

Children's Art School is an introduction of 200 children aged 7 to 16 to the world of arts: painting, drawing, sculpture, decorative and applied art, graphic and computer design. These are the skills and abilities of working with various materials, this is knowledge of national and world artistic culture.

Children's art school is a recognition not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. School students receive diplomas of laureates of international competitions of children's drawings in Japan, Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, China, Hong Kong, and India. Children's Art School is more than 900 graduates who continued their studies in various secondary and higher educational institutions in the arts in Kazakhstan and abroad. These are many specialists: teachers, designers, architects, fashion designers, painters, graphic artists.

Teaching Staff

Karzhenkova Svetlana Vladimirovna


    Dear friends! Children's art school is the beginning of a creative path, the disclosure of the potential of a child, the purpose of which is to educate a creative personality....
Nikolenko Elena Anatolievna

    Nikolenko Elena Anatolyevna - deputy teacher for education, teacher in the subjects "History of Art", "Easel Composition" of the main course of the children's art school
Geis Yuri Alexandrovich

    Geis Yuri Alexandrovich_ teacher in the subjects "Modeling" and "Sculpture"
Nikolenko Alina Sergeevna

    Nikolenko Alina Sergeevna - teacher in the subject "Drawing" of the preparatory course of study, the subjects "Applied composition" and "Easel composition" of the main course of study.
Харламова Екатерина Васильевна

    Kharlamova Ekaterina Vasilievna - teacher in the subjects "Computer graphics", preparatory and basic courses, "Sculpting" preparatory course and "Easel composition" basic course.
Bogatko Valentina Mikhailovna

    Bogatko Valentina Mikhailovna - teacher in the subject "Drawing" and "Easel composition" of the preparatory course of the 2nd stage and the main course of study.
Shefer Larisa Anatolyevna

    Shefer Larisa Anatolyevna - teacher of arts and crafts and applied composition. Larisa Anatolyevna works with students of preparatory courses of the 1st and 2nd levels, and students of the...
Кропотова Ирина Ивановна

    Kropotova Irina Ivanovna - teacher in the subjects "Painting", "Easel Composition", "Drawing" of the preparatory course of the 2nd stage and the main course of study.